Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Happiness is...

The sun's warmth, cherries, time to read, sewing, golfing, family and friends, evening walks, good health, freshly washed sheets, getting to know neighbors, watching our little neighbor take his first ride on a bike without training wheels, vinho verde, meeting baby Malcom for the first time, knit night, growing tomatoes, knitting early in the morning in my periwinkle porch chair, seeing the extended weather forecast is for sunny days ahead, going to the beach, watching the sun sparkle on the water, orange sunsets...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer time, and the living is...busy!!

We have had a constant stream of visitors with us since the end of July.  Well, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit but our good friends from Sacramento, Jim and lisa, were here for a few days and two days later the Mr's brother and his family arrived.  And although this isn't really a 'constant stream', it has felt like it.

It has been fun being a tourist in our own city which we rarely indulge in any more.  We've been all over the UW campus and U District, downtown Seattle, and the Seattle Center.  Then yesterday up to Victoria BC to see Butchart Gardens and roam around the waterfront of Victoria before heading home on the boat last night.

While I've had a great time seeing everyone I'm really looking forward to a break in the visitors and getting back to crafting!  I haven't really knit, spun or sewn for 4 weeks now and I'm getting antsy to get back at it.  

Dennis, Maddy, Norma, Dorian

Parliament building, Victoria, BC

Italian Garden, Butchart Gardens