Friday, March 21, 2014

Not warm enough for flip flops...

…but the sun is out, it's spring and I feel a lightness of being.  The birds are beginning to sing again, primarily the Robin's who never really left the area because our weird winter was sort of warmer than usual for the most part.

I'm beginning to get the gardening itch, then I look out and notice that it will take a big winter clean-up in order to get it into shape.  Then I don't want to go out so bad after all.

I do have the weaving itch and have been acting on that in the warmth of my house.
These lovelies are blooming down the block in a neighbor's yard, another harbinger of spring.  Also all of the pink blossoms are out on the trees right now.  I'm waiting patiently for our little crabapple to bloom…I think another week if we have some sun.  Which we have had today in abundance.

This little confection on my loom is from a Yarn Pirate offering several years back.  It has been patiently waiting in my stash for it's purpose in life.  It is called "Cupcake" … the ball band fell off long ago so I don't know the exact fiber content but I'm going to guess merino.  I used it for both the warp and weft so it is coming out nice and stripe-y.

This one just came off the loom yesterday…the warp and weft are both a Shoalwater Bay yarn, cotton/rayon.  I love her yarns, she uses natural dyes and she is local.  Over in Kingston WA, a short ferry ride away.  

So that is what I've been up to...besides knitting, crocheting and doing some sewing.  I hope you are enjoying spring in your neck of the woods too.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Another 'baby' off to a good home.  This is a soft handspun 2 ply Malabrigo yarn…Kate and I were so excited to learn that Malabrigo made roving to spin!  The best of all fibery worlds we said.  We are so happy with our Etsy shop, gives us a visit here, we have handspun yarn, crocheted Queen Anne Lace scarves, and a variety of handwoven stoles and scarves for sale.  It gives us a creative outlet which is so much fun.  We are also going to have a booth this summer at our local Saturday Market in Edmonds.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Breaking news!

We just got a call and Dennis is officially on the kidney transplant wait list!  Not only that but his friend Dan is looking more and more like his match for a living donor so we have all of the bases covered.   We did our happy dance and now have to be vigilant about answering our home phone and Dennis' cell phone.  They want a call back within an hour if there is a non living donor kidney available.  Wow.  We are so excited that we are moving forward like this.

Last fall in Palm Springs