Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sitting here waiting...

...for my prep to work.  Prep?  What prep is that you ask?  Well....not wanting to give out TMI, I'm having a colonoscopy tomorrow at the crack of dawn.  Enough said.  Although I might have to dash away from the computer any minute.  I know, I know...TMI.

So, I've been working like a busy little retired nurse and getting some crafting finished.  I shall regale you with all of the wonders of my finished objects henceforth referred to as FO's.

FO #1  Through the Loops Mystery Shawl

FO #2  Handspun - roving from the Yarn Pirate

FO #3  Lap quilt for my MIL's 90th birthday

Not really an FO but, some farmers market beets I boiled up and served with Feta

A cute little top called Gemini, still a WIP
FO #4  Citron shawl

Whew, I've been working hard lately.  Some FO's, some WIP's, some cooking.  I also have a pair of socks for the Mr. in process that I didn't photograph.  

Excuse me a moment.....oops, false alarm.

I think that will be all for now, I'm going to go sit nearer the bathroom.  Don't forget, colonoscopies save lives.  Have you had yours?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I shouldn't have ignored that little voice...

...telling me to follow the rules.  Because someone else in the history of quilting learned these valuable lessons the hard way before I did.  So why oh why did I think I could flaunt the 'quilting laws'?  Smugness, hubris, 'this wouldn't happen to me' attitude.  Ha!

So lessons learned (again)
  • always pin or baste the heck out of the layers
  • make sure they are smoothed out and have no lumps (I thought I had)
  • never but never start quilting from the side...always start in the middle and work outwards (I knew that)
  • listen to that little tiny voice of doubt yelling "STOP"
  • be humble, pay attention to the experts
  • look at the finished work (it isn't too horrible) as a learning experience and give it to my mother-in-law anyway because she loves me in spite of my many flaws
  • start a new quilt immediately, kind of like getting back on the horse after it throws you, and learn from my mistakes.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Happiness is...

...the lazy days of summer, reading, enjoying the warmth of the sun, looking at the garden, having the girl over lots, going to the pool, looking at the sunsets, enjoying walks with friends, the Saturday Market, fresh produce, felling the cool breeze in the evening, smelling the salt in the air, ice water, lemonade, flowers in bloom, corn on the cob, firing up the grill, bike rides, family, the lazy days of summer...
butterfly bush

my favorite little roses

buddha in the heather

the girl

horseshoe fun