I think this should have made headline news. We have been so sunlight starved here that myself and many of my friends were going batty from lack of sunlight and never ending drizzly grey days. Except for Rebecca who escaped to sunny San Diego on Thursday. Yesterday started out the same as usual, a brief peak of blue sky early in the morning followed by grey and rain. Most all day. It even made me lapse into lethargy and fall asleep on the sofa reading a book. Then at about 5PM I walked into the kitchen and whoa! The sun came out and made this pretty pattern on the wall. Definitely a gift. Today it is back to grey as usual but that little burst of sun yesterday has kept me from running into a wall with madness today.
Red roses for love and to celebrate a working fistula with great blood flow. The Mr. doesn't need to start dialysis yet but this will be his lifeline when he has to start. The plan is to go with continuous nocturnal peritoneal dialysis first with the fistula as backup for hemodialysis if the need should arise. A good site to read about this is here.
Lastly...I've been quilting again for the first time in about 30 years. I'm about 2 weeks away from finishing hand quilting my first project and have been itching to get at some more fabric. I want to make a mini quilt/wall hanging so that I can practice machine quilting with my new walking foot. So, I went down to a local shop called The Fabric of Life run by our friend Carol Schillios to get some fat quarters to start making a new project. I love the idea of this shop. Carol helps young women who have been living on the streets of Mali Africa by sending them to a craft trade school there called 'Here Je' to learn a trade and then helps them obtain a micro loan to start their businesses. She brings the wares to her shop in Edmonds to sell, all staffed by volunteers. The fabrics are hand dyed and stamped with designs - they are so beautiful. Now I'm off to give them a wash and start cutting.
Love this! I saw that wee bit of sun yesterday too and it was wonderful! Love your fat quarters...I've always thought those fabrics would make a gorgeous quilt. Go for it sister!